August 14, 2024

Framna - Digital Product Agency from Bontouch and Shape

Framna – a digital product agency from Bontouch and Shape

In an exciting project with Bontouch and Shape, two of the most successful Nordic SaaS companies in the Nordics, we had the opportunity to develop the name for their new digital product agency. As both companies shared the passion for building strong software and solutions for the end-user (many of which you find in your phone), the only thing that was missing at this point was an equally strong name. With plans to grow organically, and pursue international expansion through acquisitions, the team was looking for something that would reflect their love for innovation and disruptiveness in the market, while still maintaining professionalism and integrity.

Music to our ears, we set out to create a broad spectrum of names that could meet the criteria and get the creativity going in the group.  Short names, long names, traditional names, unconventional names. It was Yin and Yang. As we narrowed down the spirit of the name, there was one theme that had a certain appeal – the link to the Nordics. Framna made its presence. With its roots in Old Norse, to lead in front, the name connected their history with the future. The leaders of tomorrow. A beautiful name with a strong frame and story to tell the world. 

We wish Framna all the best in their journey!

Visit Framna here.

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